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New Tiger Jump Cue

페이지 정보

작성자 타이거큐마스터 작성일15-04-28 15:21 조회10,610회


“Wings” jump cue by Tiger

A unique jump cue, with lots of technology for added accuracy, power, while putting lesser efforts into your jump shot. Handle and extension are made from high grade tempered aerospace quality anodized aluminum. Knurl to a specific depth to give you better feel and control. A special foam rubber is inserted to dampen sound and absorb vibration. New technology is used for joint connections for better balance, added power and stiffness. Quality Canadian Hard Rock Maple shaft is used with Icebreaker technology system front end of it for unsurpassed feel and added control. Two special joint protectors are included with each Wings jump cue. With Wings jump cues by Tiger, “Sky is the limit!”

Proudly Made in USA!

Standard cue specifications and items included; 

Length - 47" 
Weight - 9.8 oz.. 
Shaft - Tiger shaft 29.5" 
First Handle length – 11.5”
Second Handle length – 6”

Cue tip - Icebreaker cue tip - 13.00mm 
Ferrule - Phenolic ferrule 
Joint protector – Custom Tiger joint protectors

MAP: $229.00

공지사항 목록

Total 144건 1 페이지
공지사항 목록
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